Technology Expertise

Building the Next.

SV companies constantly build with a mind for transformative disruption. We know that continuous experimentation, and a sense of adventure, can light the creative fires that forge the best innovation.  

Artificial Intelligence

SV deploys and develops technology using concepts and tools from Microsoft Project Oxford, Google Deepmind, and Amazon AWS Sagemaker. SV is part of the IBM Quantum Experience developer network.


Blockchain is embedded into a number of our platforms to act as a utility token, validation mechanism, or to power asset-backed tokenized currencies. From Biowire's remote medical diagnostics to Fractera's fractionalized asset exchange, blockchain plays a major role in security and validation.

Big Data

Big Data is the aggregation and analysis of extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations. In conjunction with machine learning it offers SV companies a foundation for processing large volumes of genetic, consumer, visual computing, and financial markets data. Data visualization, process optimization, and predictive analytics are three primary value propositions of our Big Data technology. Big Data also powers our prediction markets platform: Wyrdata.

Advanced Robotics

SV researches and deploys component level technologies in support of ISR applications (Intelligence-Surveillance-Robotics) with special emphasis on visual computing, enhanced sensors and optics arrays, and micro-motor specialized actuator networks.

Augmented Reality

Next generation Augmented Reality technologies are integrated into our ARISO and Biowire platforms. ARISO (Autonomous Robotics in Space Operations) users leverage the Cyborus ARID system to remotely pilot EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) robotics or Extra-planetary Mining Vehicles. Biowire uses advanced AR systems for visual walk-throughs of diagnostic holograms, digital twinning explorations, remote telemetry field medicine.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke"

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